We also involved to system design for tunnel safety and egress facilities for road tunnel projects in Japan and TAIWAN.
Mr. Y. OTA to be invited to the technical committee member of I.T.A. (International Tunneling Association) since 1993 and invited to several international committee members.
Figure presents the very typical sliding door with self closing system without any electrical sources for emergency, which are equipped at the cross passage in vehicle tunnels. Mr. Y. OTA developed to this door is the early 1980th. This door has been standardized to all of Japanese road tunnels.
Especially, Mr. Y. OTA was involved to safety system design for Trans Tokyo Bay Highway Tunnel Project, which is longest underwater road tunnel in the world.
Passenger cross passage
Vehicle cross passage
Tokyo-wan Aqualine Experience of Traffic Safety
ABSTRACT : This paper describes the general outline, ventilation system, safety and evacuation facilities, maintenance system and information to drivers as safety measures of the 15 km long Tokyo-Wan Aqualine (Trans Tokyo Bay Highway, or T.T.B), containing a 9.5 km long tunnel, which was opened to traffic on 18 December 1997. This paper reports the safety aspects of the tunnel section.